New Year New Me?

classical homeopathy energy meditation Dec 31, 2022

New Year New Me? Have you heard that one before?!

I KNOW you’re super excited and pumped to make all the changes right now! But… here’s the scenario…

You’re going to do what you “know” to do but in the back of your mind, you know this isn’t going to work out… because you have beliefs running the show in the background and behaviours that need changing or tweaking.

If you can instead think about how you can do LESS and achieve MORE and create real habit change because you truly desire the thing it will work out. If you are trying to change yourself simply to look a certain way…that simply won’t give you the real results you are looking for.

Under the surface you know the most important thing to do is learn to love yourself AS YOU ARE and make changes from a place of self-love, self-acceptance, self-respect. Not from self-hate or criticism.

But, guess what… when you realize you’re having a hard time, and everything falls by the wayside, check in with me.

It's easier, more fun, and faster with support!

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

How are you going to stay motivated, and committed, and what are you going to do when you feel like you’re not making progress?

Are you going to show up for yourself? And what exactly does that mean?

Click here!


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