$111.00 USD

Flower Essence Adult 45-60 min Follow-Up

Flower Essences can be the gift to ignite and propel you forward on your goals in a laid-back way.

Flower Essences hold subtle but tremendously powerful healing qualities. 

While using a custom Flower Essence blend you will notice gentle shifts where things had seemed stuck.

Areas you may notice depending on your current challenges:

  • Ability to flow with life's constant change
  • Self-confidence and boundaries
  • Reduced procrastination
  • Feelings of more self-love, self-worth, and self-acceptance
  • Mood stability
  • A sense of calm
  • Enhanced focus, determination, and willpower
  • Reduced fear or panic
  • Increase energy, better sleep
  • So much more...

I know it sounds strange but when I create a blend for my client I liken it to a warm hug in a bottle.

The Particulars

- Each session is conducted via Zoom.

- Mary will send you your custom flower essence via USPS* please NOTE that anyone if you live outside of the USA it does not make sense for Mary to send you your bottle given customs, however, Mary has had great success with European clients having blends either made for them or making their own.

- Each bottle lasts approximately 3 - 4 weeks. It is recommended to check-in at that time to determine what shifts have been made and whether you would like to continue with custom flower essence support.

What you'll get:

  • 1 x 45-55 min appointment
  • 1 custom blend based on current concerns and desires.
  • Most supplement recommendations can be purchased by setting up an account here at 30% off manufacturer pricing. You can register and use this resource anytime.1 custom blend based on current concerns and desires.

What People Are Saying:

3 weeks after 1st Flower Essence: The remedy you gave me had an immediate effect. I always know straightaway whether something works for me or not. I feel much calmer, even a bit dopey. Whatever this is has taken the battering ram away from my perfectionist's anxiety. I am able to write at a calm, easy pace. I believe I'm not used to feeling calm so I translate 'dopey.' Checking back 1 month later: I've been good! I've had good energy, moving forward on my goals, I don't feel stuck. Miss go-it-alone is asking for support! My call with my agent went so well and you helped my mind frame tremendously.

E. N.

I call these essences magic potions. @marytheenergyalchemist is a healer!! She specialized my flower essence to help with my anxiety and "mind tornados of doom" I don't know what's in this stuff but it's doing its job to calm my anxiety right where I feel it, in my chest...I became willing to tell Mary my struggles and she's been helping me so much! It's scary to show someone your dark side, but it's worth it when that person can give you a guiding light right, where you need it.
